Blog for Nameless-Value

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Drawn Condition

Dot needs configurated coordinate axis.

Coordinate axis makes field.

Filed makes being substance transition.
That's why dot belongs to being substance.

Larger extent permits any minor presence have transition.
That's why space makes any present substance mover around it.

All these drawn conditions consist in no chemistry.

Rather chemistry is one of drawn condition.

One leap by dot could be done at given extent.

Gradual advance could be composed wth dotting and extent of field.

Field is condtion. Dot is conditioned element.

Nevertheless, condtioned element could be replaced with field by itself.
That switch needs leap. Though leap is either condtion.

Space and field could be overlapped mutually to some regard.

0 could not make 2 at a strech. What we can observe 0 and 2 at a stretch is derived from coordinate axis's presence.

1 could draw one more 1 into 2, just only it'd be done.

Jan.  16th.      2022