Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Mind Desert

My mind is very small, only in it, my all ideas are created.
And that meets occasionally some so long running emptiness. Its extent seems like desert.

Real desert could never give us that emptiness. Because going through from its hem to another needs ceaseless tension in stepping to next phase, in wild nature at any swtiching of climate condition.

Cactuses, rattle-snakes, almadillos or so, except them, only heavily sunbeam, sandstorm or so could meet you.

Though, at any critically harsh moment, unexpectedly your daily suffering so desperate annoyable mind's emptiness, that time, your ever learning thing must make you helped.

In other words, at any dimension, there must have so heavy crisis, only so extremely heavy sufferers survive.

Yes, if you were at so helpless reality you'd never escaped from, remember your the worst time in emptiness or kind of perfect exhausted mind in vain to anything.

And after you were pulling through so last-ditch fierce desert, that your ever doing traverse must make you rescued from anything!

Good luck!
Thank yourself, no matter what happens to you, because who can helps and protects you from anything so constantly is just only you!

Jan. 22nd.      2022