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Noticeable Propositional Indication Part2 Adverb's Category 1

We do not always think adjectively in a two-valued logic. However, in terms of verbs, it is often judged binary logically. Did you do it or not? However, adverbs and conjunctions are not limited to binary logic. "But" is binary logic, and "well" is not. "Nevertheless", it is binary logic, "so" it is different.

By the way, we should clearize this theme.

Binary logic means dualism's pracical application. Additionally it composed decisive showing, and generally, not to mention of its right and wrong, binary judgement is articulation, and at least at publicly necessary site, we use that method.

And that clearized response needs binary usage applicative adverbs.
That could be like next.

               〔or, nevertheless, however, but, eiher(neither), also too....etc.〕

otherwise, next caegory must be convincing at being couscious about declarative assertion, next words usage could be done at our mind.

                           〔though, hence, thus, thereby, therefore, then....etc.〕

Meanwhile, adverb as part of speech has so many subsoncsiouly mystifying adverbs.
That could be like next. In other words, very appropriately random condition could be replaced with adverbs which inclines our consciousness, approproximately indicating mode and not precisely indicating rough plurality with next vocaburaly.

         〔always, anytime, usually, constantly, frequently, consistently, often....etc.〕
          Otherewise, continuation indicating adverbs could drag that state's still state, in keeping as originally done to us in indication.

                        〔serially, durably, continuously, persistently, insistently....etc.〕
                           Latter two ones are mentally discriptive mentioning abiding.

In other words, upper those bocabrarlies inclined our mind to notice frequency's appearance.

Upper, always and usually, frequency's degree of strength could be like next.

                                                      ALWAYS > USUALLY

Always, the meaning certainly could be displaced "anytime","constantly","consistently", ..etc.

Toward them, "occasionally" means more stronger indication to mentioned condition, than "sometimes" which is more bluntly and roughly mentioned, meantime, "sporadically" could be done at more surprisingly mentioned.

Nevertheless, "frequently" and "often" could be used at notinal term, interpretation, then upper "always" and other three words could be featured concretely acting or being object's appearance discription, however, frequently" and "often" must be used at explannation around something at context abiding reporting.

Some so useful catrgory could be supposed there to us, you know, next one might be submitted so naturally.

Toward some very introspectively recollective to all process ever done to us, clearized decralative mentioning, or to say, assertive doing vocaburaly must be like next.


         〔finally, eventually, consequently, ultimately, allegedly, decisively, conclusively, 〕
                  latter "ultimately" is more retrospectively philosophically describable,
                      meantime, "alledgedly" means objectively refferably mentioned. "decisively,conclusively" means interpretably objectively otherwise subjectively(both discriminated articulation is so difficult because mutually very crossable at mentioning to us.

                         That describable aspectual has also deniable mentioning.

                                   hardly, seldom,..etc.  >  rarely, barely,...etc

However, relating mode our usage at all those could have been recollective, so necessarily according to our mind's analizable condition.

(to be continued)

Feb.  25th.    2022