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Floral Ease Extended Land

Flourishing mutual trust survives any necessary hostility.

That not scheduled harmony peace has no enmity.

Sunny day even smears in unnecessarily mutual enmity surrounding mess-up in no control.

Even stormy days' running could be eased with mutual trust and cooperation.

World thing must have so joyful stability and prosperity only in solved all objections in concession.

Flower must need cherrished mind by any appreciating one to its beauty.

With some unsolved confusion, any beautiful flower could cry out for needing ease.

Land wants calmed minds in peace.
Fountain of hope is reliant on activity of mutually developmental advancement.

That condition in stable agreement necessarily outputs useful try and error.

Any seasonal flower must watch their needing land's own well-harmonized ease.

Easy mind in calmed spirit makes marvelous unity in silence, jazzy noise, and stalemate, but necessary pause and sufficient recovery.

No matter how devastating acts could be made, land itself must hold on in requiring ease extended state.

Cherished ease is so simply plain as it is necessary so. Any land silently prepares for maturity of ease covering flat in moderate tension.

Land ought to love appropriately contacting mutual flesh, skin for whispering calmed peace.

Ease wants to wrap land in still ease on no daring natural permanence.

Ease and land are on the ideally supreme matching.

Apr. 26th.     2022