Blog for Nameless-Value

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Believing Mind Helps Us from Hardship

Mind brought up is anytime ambivalent presence, it is both own and publicly shared legacy.

Hardship must come to us in assorted ways, nevertheless, only truth could never slip away from our conviction, if we can have believing mind to lovable all heart treasure and sympathizing mind to the ones whose pain is closer to us, personally.

Probably, in life for anyone, truly happy moment is so restricted in a few occasion.

If now is so hard and never escapable, now doing thing could not be neglected, tomorrow’s smile must make us some advent.

For taking that mind and doing, let’s have only tiny believing mind in deep inside of daily mind.

Because only believing mind in tomorrow’s safe wanting nothing but it must make us some unexpected rejoice, though, only believing mind is your true asset.

Believe in only confidence never to lose human warmth from our own mind and heart.

Probably only believing mind to each other must make us some credibly trustworthy bond and solidarity.

Merciful smile and eye twinkle bringing your mind must make you helped out from every confused matter and twisted mind pain.

Because, in having that conviction, just you are the possibility to make everyone around you believe in everything around you and us.

For doing you and us, why don’t we have one small but never lost believing mind to create new small bud for loving each other.

Tomorrow must help all out from these painful days into providential promised land.

Believing mind in love and tomorrow must make all to the smiley glorious future.


You, here and us.

Apr. 28th. 2022