Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Anybody is Well at Doing by Oneself a.

Anybody is so partially given certain view, at this reality on its condition unexpectedly so equally and evenly.

Probably nobody is perfect, and even if we are at mutually very gapped and sensitively remotely distanced, surely some are so richer and another are so poorer, and necessarily, very miserably unfortunate ones are not so few, never yet, so many, nevertheless, anybody in so desperately last-ditch situation, we could take our own hands to each other in gripping for cooperation.

In the end, even in mutual so seriously heavy gap and so harshly remote conditioned reality, nevertheless, we can talk together, at any emergent situation and that talking necessity dependent occasion must be done to anybody, and necessarily, anybody must have own enemy and own tough isolation and obliged segregation.

Nevertheless, all anyone has to do is think the best way for pulling through seeking after own smart deal for solution to that toughness. If we'd never hope unnecessarily maximally at being provided by any other help and if we have own ambition and wishing mind to get safety, we'd have another possible yet discovered road in miraculous our own hunch and smart expectation.

Just for reating any unfortunate situation, that so helpful merciful idea must come up to your mind, and that applicable another development possibility must be found out in your mind.

Only what you have to do is not easily giving it up for getting another witty idea, you must meet and contact so useful next step for enhancing your true ability, then until the last moment, you should never forsake your own life!

No matter how stronger power somebody could attend really, either the one is besieged with numerous enemies. Then even if you were at the worst situation, just no abandonent could be beside your now mind, you'd get together any small but profound idea into your core belief, you'd have your true self confidence.

And once you succeeded that mind scheme, no matter how ill nature idea coukd thrown to your side, you'd dodge that thing wrapping it into your humorous joke, you know.

Good luck, wish your the best deal at your true crisis in accidentality not for suffering from unnecessary attack!

You can do it, if you'd never lose your human mind sanely.

(Irregularly to be continued)

May.  17th.  2022