Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Our Social Truth A.

❇️ Our society thing is only time abiding presence for all. Only aim, scheduled thing could be mainly installed.

❇️ Spatially opened idea is only inserted in some very a few occasion for diffusing our mental exhaustion.

❇️ Nevertheless, we all in someplace else in mind, some unsolved emotion to it, though sometimes we should have own chance intentionally opening our mind to space itself.

❇️ That'd output some useful timing to seek after another developable inquiry to our unknown truth.

❇️ Because we must be the presence whose capability anytime intends to quest some unidentified world truth.

❇️ If upper mind could be formed at concretely done act, we'd get some creative mindset around going through any harder crisis, around our global community. 

For knowing it, having some not stressed nor no followed by only aim and minute scheduled time table, having pause and relaxed time on our easy mind, and why don't we have some meditative mind for a while? Then we'd get some newly updated idea again for breaking through any stalemate!

(Irregularly to be continued)

May. 18th.  2022