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Daughter's Mom

There are so many beautiful photographs, you-tube animations for your daughter which could be watched by anyone so easily.

Your daughter's expression's background must attend your presence.
One so active and brave independent appearance must be sustained by your gentle but very sturdily decisive will to protect own daughter. Because you ever once went to one globaly reversed placed country by herself and met one so strange guy who was isolated by anybody in his country.

Your daughter's any shot appearance must associate at least ex-strange lover guy rather your presence which has never shown its identity.
Because you made yourself only the one who take charge of make your daughter stand out.

And even if according to the coming out of your daughter in success, the ones shooting your daughter could have displaced by professional photographes, makeup artists, directors or so.
Nevertheless your presence according to get invisible, rather expands at least for the one whose identity has been lost.

Anyway, you passed so hard times in making your daughter so mentally and spiritually deadlocked at raised environment, nevertheless you helped your daughter come out in public.
Ever fatherless your daughter grew to the supreme bland, nevertheless, nowadays, so many younger supreme trustworthy blands ladies have come out in public. 

Though followers number is no longer so supreme.
Nevertheless, recent your daughter's appearance specifically at the shots with her job fellows or personal friends or so is very brightened at diffusing her adolescent days' hardship caused from her fatherless situation in this country and half foreigner's background.

Ever I considered her future as one ordinary woman in taken account of one wife, one mother, but recently, my idea is on leaving everything her subject, because now is the age that any female one should decide their life course by themselves.

Though, watching your daughter's every animation and photograph, otherwise she has own entrepreneur talent, even if she failed to gain ground as female model or so, because she is no longer so younger.
She must gain ground in business world.
Because my mother had gained ground after her husband died out of the blue.

Your daughter's any appearance must show, indicate any element with you, your ex-lover guy, the one's dad and mom, and probably your them all.

Only wanderlust but miraculous encounter could have managed our world.
One so invisible disappeared person for your daughter's coming out and your intriguing her stage must attend so sturdy conviction, because your daughter certaily overpasses every anxiety attended by you, your strange lover guy, you know.
Because even if she has gotten so famous or not, already she had grown-up to be very independent will accompanying and ambitiously brave adult woman.

Though, we should take care of our own aging withering by ourselves.

Glory to now your perfectly invisible but so trustworthy attending and your daughter's independent and witty talented all appearance.
Even nobody could keep in mind around you when you were younger and now you are now silver haired older woman, only ever isolated one poor older guy citizen in this country must never lose your all appearance and your all minds.

Holy divinity on you now one pretty daughter's mom and one so nice and elegant daughter of you who has gratitude to your great help to her physical all and mind's all!

God bless you all in holy mind's promise land for all earnest minded ones in world! Amen!

June 23rd.  2022

(from ol〇vl〇v〇 to H〇l〇n ol〇vl〇)