Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Anytime Personally You and Me

Anytime, when anybody wants the one's love made, any partner is never general, just particular or specific.

You are never you in you as plural, just only you in no one.

Any lovable emotion is merely but so exceptionally personal.

In whirlpool of socially competitive harsh time, anybody could be apt to lose humane idea in business time.

Nevertheless, to anybody some irreplaceable precious presence must be at least in mind, so personally.

To anybody, when the one meets some sweetheart, the one must be the one who is the sole "you".

You must be aware of what you exist in the world for meeting specificly sweet somebody whose presence must never be informed by anybody until the moment.

You must awake another you who even yourself could never have met until the moment.

That is your starting moment for making "you" as the only lovable presence and through doing so, you must make you who will be loved by the one and all around you two.

Because you also should know that world thing has so infinite numbers of mutually "you and me" mindfully holding couple.

You either remember what any "you and me" is irreplaceable to each other.

Losing any duo relevance must never be broken unnecessarily. You knowing that truth must survive any merciless assault.

Because assault has to be done only at the moment anybody can feel true opportunity to make love creatively.

The kind of "You and Me" is the absolute basis for our survival.

(Irregularly to be continued)

June 28th.   2022