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Fatal Crossroad A.

One so busy continent had very frequent ethnicity confused belonging members' feature and their own religious creeds in made mutual crossed dialogue, occasionally made expedient plea to switch belonging sect.

Really fatal encounter must be constantly coming thing as very out of the blue unexpected, bottom from the blue. Rather only not proclaimed sudden squall is qualified to be true encounter.

Not to mention of looking out for it or not, that, one day, comes to anyone, unless that could be ass-hole.

Because that introductory meeting must be very thunderous accidental invasion to our own mind.

Actually, our life is based on unpredictable running proceeding. Paradoxically, easily expectable matter is just worthless. 

Fatal crossroad tempting option of you in terms of human resource encounter consists in your very earnestly instinctively intuitive judgment, though first what you can believe in your optional mind's penetration or not is the most substantially vital driving force.

Because I did that thing with your mother in past, and one my life poll was established certainly. Though you absolutely can do so rather smarter and wiser than us.

If you can not believe in your truly practical ability and potentially equipped faculty, you'd never reach any your advantageously meritorious field. And additionally you are inherited by the greatest ethic ones soul and wisdom.

In other words, only at strictly and confidently being able to believe in your true practical power, you'd get everything done so well in your any procedural dimension.

(Irregularly to be continued)

June 29th 2022