Blog for Nameless-Value

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How to Write Essay and Paper in Strict Order ①

Two very integrally indispensable items are given to us when we try to write sentences for an essay or paper.

One is roughly and randomly collecting any kind of material to refer for writing some united content.

These are including very useful data too. Because for composing one ordered sentences, these collectings must be so important.

Second is deliberating how we can summarize all what we personally want to tell through the sentences. 

And for forming the object, how we can describe the idea for us must be  the key to express our own idea.

Consequently, these embodied told description will be the sentences' for convincing any reader.

In other words, preciseness and simply sharpened essence to readers must be made by us so carefully.

Just these demand must be our own optional mind's showing.

Subsequently, writing must need convincing readers so credibly in reading our essay and paper.

Simply, in collecting our necessary thought data as materials, we should summarize our own idea around utilizing  these data and materials.

Though, writing good quality sentences consists in composing what we want to send our own idea, in opting what we should opt for reference as material for making readers known to what we want to deliver our own idea as message content.

(Irregularly to be continued)

July.  14th.   2022