Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

For the Boys

Hey, boys there. Do not first anticipate your own happiness given from anybody!

First is hoping any other one's profit and true happiness of you!

Do not want to accept anything, just want to give anything to anyone! That's your true mind as what should be.

If you only make an effort of doing everything in serving anyone and anything at your belonging society and community, around you, some trustful atmosphere must come up to you.

What you'd acquire and obtain must consist in what your mind can take care at your daily routine doing.

If you are also guys, merely serve anyone around you!

Do never think collateral, security and reward from the beginning! Only do what your missioned mind orders you!

Wish only your beloved ones' happiness and prosperous everything. Pray only your belonging society and world itself surrounded by absolute peace!

And for all what you do, surely what you should do is merely believing in your all potentially equipped ability and realizable possibilities. In all what you are doing, any another your hoping mind must take shape another day.

Wish your good smartly doing everything for your world. Because your world must be what you make for anybody but you and world itself.

And in it, you'd meet true you.

July. 29th.  2022