Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Severe Estimation around Upcoming Future World Situation / Prologue

Truth Rough Sumnary as very important factor for interpreting essential issues is like next.

❇️ Certainly, number of enemy could increse, its condition must be disadvantageous. But simultaneously, ally's it could do the same, either that could be so disadvantages at discerning truly so or not to any ally.

❇️ Confidentiality deserves at not perfectly informatively curtained, consequently, at appropriately disclosing and except it, just not opening stance should be applied.

❇️ Because without that method or option, game could not be conditioned.

Game's the most proper appearance is not contacting so necessarily and not distancing so necessarily to any member. Only that carefulness is unexpectedly the key to well-doing around anything in any human reciprocity and networked relevance.

(Irregularly to be continued)

July. 30th.  2022