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Thinking Experiment at Something Part6 Minus Chain Reaction

At the matter of fact, I usually specifically recently think that nowadays' own confused whirlpool must be derived from moral hanzardous reality's assault abiding people's not easily soluvable dilemma. 

In other words, any not so nationally necessary form devoid countries' citizens can easily operate any terminal or the kind of devise, almost all citizens are shared with any effective informative and conveniently communicative devise with terminals or so, though, originally, very economically finaincially progressive country was inventing many these gadgets and these attending technology was moreover pioneered, but not that richer social legacy and cultural assets countries' citizens are known to all these innovation, and at these necessity and usage demand, only good minded ones could use all normally and so easily utilize them for good object, nevertheless, more poorer and dictator's violent governing and political acts seducing dissatisfaction must tempt many poorer and culturally premature countries' partially existing so violently thought anarchists and nationalists could instigate other all poorer citizens, hinting their own daily discontent, consequently very many intelligently clever younger ones are becoming e.g. terrorists and they either smartly use any convenient pregoressive tools and gadgets, those accumulated dense usage toward any transimittable terminal's usage could instigate any dissatidfied younger ones tempted into charisma founder of religion or ideological sect in their own speech and message through SNS sites or so.

After all, very worldwide divisionary realities necessarily could have been made consequently.

And, otherwise, mentally and meditatively in ideology and refracted mindset intriguing own dissatisfaction must push up any the most econimocally, financially progressive countries' ordinary citizens' own life criteria, economically powered standard in harsh gap seduces part of them execute atrocious murder cases with gun shooting or so was necessarily made as indirect aftermath of any not economicall( thus necessarily educationally ) progressive countries' clever defiant ideology abiding younger terrorists' minus great incidents' examples.

Any kind of executable power's inbalanced state's fixation must be the most directly temtative actuation for any atrocious terrosism's budding and certainly organized birth.

(Irreggularly to be continued)

Aug. 15th.   2022