Blog for Nameless-Value

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Everything in Mind

In heard of unknown singer's so sad mumbling occasionally tells me that no matter how sad feeling we suffer from, it's merely better than feeling nothing in empty.

One whispering wave could deter some part of tip of mind, that thing evokes our mind's joint to something.

We kind of are threaded with subconscious congenitally netted sympathized breath piped current.

The thing is not so clearly claimed, but just tiny hinting momentary blast, perceived.

Because nobody can know everything previously.

Anyone in grouping something in maze or opaque cloudy mist.

The labyrinth overhead walking in unknown path needs some calmed conception.

Walking, pausing, sighing, and resuming in turn.

Blustering blast-off occasionally flabbergasts global trend, nevertheless anything could not be reverbrated with anything.

That nonchalance won't be wrong.

Some ignorance or illiteracy could get potentiality.

Mind is a sort of gust.

Decision is an abandonment.

Running is some easygoing trust to being and time.

Sprinting and sudden deterred procrastinating care.

But it'd be no problem.


Because everything in mind, otherwise mind in everything.

Everything in emptiness or abundance makes us the best composed occasion. 

And over satisfied seen immovable critical point, an another bud must enthrall mind.

But before resuming, once arrange your breath.

And at a glance look over extended flattened field.

At no chance to attend that occasion, make it in mind!

Sep. 11th.   2022