Blog for Nameless-Value

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Typhoon Comes to My Country... a.

Typhoon is every year comes to my country.

But these days' own synchronic nature phenomena impact either it.

In other words, heat wave, flood, drought of rivers, agricultural fields, mountain firings, or any factor must contribute emergence of famine.

All those simultaneity makes each starving.

Starving reality makes starving spirit, though, war executing country could be these factors.

But scientific rationalism makes the inference non-scientific.

Otherwise that allegation could cause our society uncertain. Necessarily, that suggestion must make severe cricism as regarded cursing or animism.

However, any rational view could be biased subjective remark or extremely blind faith to science.

Surely scientific view and bureaucratism are at the best chemistry.

Typhoon must destroy many human infrastructures.To broken human made facilities, ordinarily we have own our subjective remark.

That could be loss mind at emptiness. 

None the less, that very emotional view could be thought so inconvenient and pessimistic view.

Nevertheless, those negatively regarded views are eitmaking our mind necessity of our mindset's holiday, or any persist bureaucratism's extreme adoration and unnecessary ary worshipping to objectivism and correctness of justice.

No sacred legcy could be one of making anything sacred in mind view, but to the idea, we should have hard criticism to any procedural skillfulness either.

Despite of those, feeling something so subjectively regarded must be also one objectivism. Escaping relatively those easy jumping logic we are knowing necessity to it, but any elaborate logic could be made through emotionally rationalism, though any useful idea could be prejudice.

We can overturn any jusice abiding ideas, so unnecessarily to what could be seen personally and dubiously in mobilized skepticism which could be felt so dogmatized in negatively seen logical skepticism.

Consequently, any emotionally regarded idea could be justified at definitely subjective, we'd easily judge so too.

In other words, any idea can be so intentionally seen so prejudiced so negatively, even very persuasively so reasonable, that could be regarded so negatively like to sophist.

In other words, anything can be arbitrarily criticizedwat denying, though consequently, reason and emotion can be ambiguous so at no difference nor no discriminated.

That fragility could never be denied, neither.

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 18th.  2022