Blog for Nameless-Value

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Knowing Us in Weakness

Knowing our own timidity makes us affection to the other one in incomplition.

Well doing is not constantly done to us.

Though, knowing our slump moment in losing vigor to make us steady confidence rather gifts us some other view. That pulls our generousity out from incomplete running in which we have some lost emotion.

Even if everything could be on so persist stalemate, we otherwise we'd find other developpable way for making another value.

Because even only no doubtful mind could reduce our active self confident satisfaction.

We can know some commonplace any specific feature stolen time running in acquiring our own composed mind.

Weather must have not only sunny day but also so dimly cloudy day.

Yes, otherwise, not so clear nor so welcoming conditioned to us is not so bad to us. 

In accepting it, we'd know and see what no perfection could provide us some so penetrating thing.

There, we can have mutually an idea that we could know us in incomplition, though we'd have mutually poshtive eyes to each other when we mutually are not so well.

Only praising to us in mutually weak and powerless must make us some other positive idea around what we are never in better nor the best to us. 

And, that day's hope to the future must be precious to us, and that idea must be shared.

And look up to that not ideally bright skies, and find some valuable thing to us.

That could make us know that we can go through even we are at not good times.

In knowing our own weaknesses, we must have another positiveness to each other.

Sep. 20th.  2022

Appendix;  Humid evening after passing stormy heavy shower gets so easy feeling calmness.

Silently fluttering fan made cooler air awakes our mind's equipping fragile softened state in mind in a day.