Blog for Nameless-Value

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Your Beautiful Eyes

Your beautiful eyes reflect my eyes in my face in rejoice.

No cheaper words necessary.

Shadow on time running makes us no identified uneasiness.

None the less, time running has nothing to do with it which gets us bored.

We all are otherwise drifting leaf on swift current, but that direction could never be clarified.

Your heartbeat occasionally makes own palpitating tone, that torrent steals really done destination in ambiguity.

In regenerating some periodic running appearance, that seen bow and arrow makes me notional mind reflection.

But that can not be so bad, coz life thing is after all returning the idea which can evoke an impressive memory to deep inside of our mind record.

Run to the next joint. That could tell us what to do next. Though, now thinking it means less.

Yes, that truth told your wink makes me bright pass in vaguely misty shade.

Give it to leeway on your mind. Because what you anytime gaze at something is your finger for truly believing in on your mind!

Your eyes in beauty is on your hand to your future!

Sep. 22nd.  2022