Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Trance a.

Bykar's Bayraktar TB2 as UKAV mainly used by TAF was executed and has continued to shell Uk○○n○, already ever used in Ir○q○, S ○r○○, T○rk○y, A z○rb○○j○n.

You seduce not only invaded country's throughout resisting war energy to invader but also one to satisfy my frustrated sweetie like Viagra!

Warfare promoting Sidenafil is so far effective!

But the same Ukr○○n○ as general citizens through draft or conscription.

Shell! Shell! Shell!

To your enmity heading direction!

Gimme shelter! Hey, there soldiers!

If you'd be deadlocked at any trial, you might preserve your mind's bombshell for relaunching!

But at the very limit of what you'd be able to control your anger, as much as possible you'd abstain from launching your resentment as you can. But on the hem of being instigated, at the moment, you'd launch it to the peaceful paradise!

Ir○n, you'd helped R○ss○○n war conspiracy, but your dogmatized rigid control to wearing your religion conventional scarf stole one younger lady citizen's life!

That merciless executing governance is equivalent with younger girls obliged to marry some guy for economizing reason, you know!

But, U○A, you should not try to eliminate next government in It○ly!

Because perfectly divided two polar camps must twist and distort global sensitivity! Nice and subtle imbalanced balance!

Screwed up R○ss○n's domestic situation could split the citizens idea and solidarity, unnecessarily!

But that witnessing otherwise instigates very many ones there around the one who operates the unreasonable war who qualified one defected from U○A a citizenship.

Anyway, now and then, switch your trance's direction into peaceful debate in composed argument!




Your settled down true reason!

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 29th.  2022