Blog for Nameless-Value

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Midnight Angel

The one sprinting at midnight path alone and sometimes suddenly flying away to the skies in no approach, next to yellowish moon beaming, who are you, anyone must question to the one.

Only the one who makes me awaked all night long disturbing my sleeping, who are you?

But you either block my nightmare from coming to my brain, with it I am obliged to thank you either.

If I have some worry about the thing after coming of next morning, you who prevent me from getting asleep even at least my momentary dormant desire, you are so called Midnight Angel, but I have no idea of you yet, so far.

But possibly tomorrow morning coming either to me would tell me who you are.

You are just only my fantasy or illusion.
I can never get that answer yet who you truly are this early night, coz night is so long for me too.
But getting so later, your identity could be disclosed to me either gradually.

Even it would be so, clear answer, I must wait for until next new morning’s coming.

You who come to me out of the blue put me a question why we survive in this earth, but nobody had never replied that question around your suggestion ever.

Possibly everlastingly, nobody would win that question why we survive in the earth, coz surviving in never solved question means our life, probably Lord must have had set prior to our own birth.

Anybody survives in question nobody could answer, of course you would never tell me the answer neither, but probably so convincing correct answer would be found someday by anybody so privately and anybody must keep silence around it until the one dies so individually, that might have been the sole truth in world for us.

All questioning in mind must be developed at only own mind, shown to nobody but each myself, probably that answer must be the sole credible one for all.

(Nov. 18th. 2019)