Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Meaning and Perception Part3

Perception must never begin nor end by itself, must be according to our will to cease our own perceiving moments as long as we are never be asleep, anytime in all day long we have perception.

Meanwhile, meaning must have form particularly each distinctive at any case. But perception is never so, coz perception is anytime present beyond any particularity to see form, only vaguely conscious in dormant situation must offer us own perception, unless we get a sure sleeping.

Meaning must work even in closing eyes and only body’s tangible to be present, of course we can be seen either that time must have own perception as blind viewed only in darkness visually but when that situation we admit at waking moments, it urges us to think meaning, that case is so managing we are obliged to admit it, either.

But necessarily simultaneously we can expire our perceptive acts so willingly, thus perception must be relevant to our mind posture anytime, even if it is along with our own brain’s command, our will easily shuts down our own perception, at that rate, we are managed with our making meaning, in life, at least as far as concerned to our conscious social life.

Then, we can think that will means our mind’s holding meaning, in other words, mind must be made of our own will and its creating meaning.
Mind could have been set in absence of our own will, as the absolute truth.

In other words, anytime launching decision as alternative spots must be sustained only by our will, thus we can choose both of them leaving perceptive acts of us to e.g. beautiful landscape seen at the top of higher mountain or so, anytime as we want.

Surely either perception can be helped by memory, memory itself would be invoked with our desire to want to remember in a situation when we face some important matter around future or so.

But simultaneously what it picks up our own memory is either meaning, namely our perceptive meaning grasp must mobilize our own memory according to each momentary necessity we can make sure of on our mind privately.
Of course, our own perception must by itself pick up memory in us, which is the one who mobilizes the memory is anytime so ambiguous.

Of course, perception by itself picks up our own private memory, so naturally but even at that moment we’ re with our mindset as daily own decision mobilized in individual will in now perceptive consciousness, or to say, we have both so unconscious perception and so clearly conscious perception, and former is taking at a glans with stimulus as reacting, but latter is with steady interest, curiosity or so.

Although with all already described things, in perception, our meant idea is eventually partial, and e.g. when we take a walk on holiday, we usually need no meant things positively in a hope to evade difficulty around working habit in daily life, coz so many noisy and so distracted unnecessary nervous moments are surrounding our body and spirit.

Even at our own work, laptop computer’s pounding noise or next person’s coughing breathes or voice, nose’s sniffing sound, or picture of rearranging legs or so would never be so tiny matter to our daily mentality, thus we are usually look at the landscape generally we take loosened mind consciously telling our own perceptive acts in every moment with assured intention so privately.

If we stand up an apex at triangle on flat in our own imagination immanently e.g. when we climb a mountain at the top of it, flat ground offers us another two apexes simultaneously in front of us these are seen to us and we can imagine one more apex as our location in suggestion so easily. That mind view is objective cognition. But it means either that our own location and its around all are never seen to us so objectively as well as we can observe distanced two points we now can confirm from this mountain top, And that idea must be helped by our own memory, namely we can remember mathematic lesson in school or similar experiences in past when we walked or made travel around so flat field, of course never flat fields with rugged geographical condition might have been applied with supposition with flat field’s supposition on note or blackboard when we receive the lesson of mathematics when we are students.

And what mobilized memory is either meaning, that meaning is educated knowledge or so sort of wisdom in accumulating experienced matters in past of us.
Then our private immanent perception to measuring or scaling on mind must be helped by remembering past things in memory. And its thing easily turns to meaning as our knowledgeable perception, remembered matters for us means what we privately perceived in past in memory, now we can mean these all matters are some important trigger to make now our own position, of course it either means our private identification with accumulated memory, hence our objective meaning on mind must mean either so private and individually distinctive subjective meaning with memory’s contents, in other words only absolutely objective perception and meaning must be none to us, really.
Then, we can define that our mind, and mindset includes memory and perceptive experienced lesson with these memorized things in past, thus individual objective instructive ideas are all caused from each distinctive subjective memory and privately own experiencing things.
Eventually we can appropriate that accumulating perceptive experiences turned to memory and knowledge helps our mind in making meaning automatically by our brain and mind, and with partially our own will made by each momentary our wish and hope.

If we imagine other apexes to the mountain top small field where we now stay, looking over far distanced two points, these locations are driving our eyes’ direction playing around both two points we can now confirm. Either at that moment, our mind in thinking and perceiving all stimulus with landscape are cooperating with memory, knowledge, and now mind.
Eventually we judge in mind that its imagining mind with two apexes and now we, staying another apex in perception means whereabout cognition to us really and these are helped by knowledgeable idea and deliberating in now situation. And necessarily all these processes are dependent on meaning’s grasp in synthesizing all processes in our own mind.
Meaning of our knowledge in scaling and measuring relies on triangle’s shaped condition when we experienced many lessons at school.
Hence, we can understand that imagining can be dependent on meaning of our knowledge, and not to mention of it, our memory around school lesson, our knowledgeable judgement must be our idea’s mother.

Then, perceptive view itself and our mind scaling and measuring in being for us at the situation means mind analysis e.g. now I explained with triangle’s cognitive understanding in seeing that we are never be able to be objective in range of our real perception but mind perception always complement it to completed conceptual understanding, really when we are at the mountaintop, we can never look over in real perception our own location objectively, but in imaginably regarding it as objective geographical knowledgeable imagining, we can see our now location so objectively with supplemental help from our knowledge, as meta-cognition.

It means that perception’s dimension we cannot be objective, so enough thus we can use meaning helped with our experienced memory and knowledge. Thus perception depends on real cognition and imaginably knowledgeable cooperative cognition must be mutually in collaborative idea contacting, surely we can observe when the situation I supposed appears to us.
This thing must tell us that directly done perception and knowledgeable imagination exist in discerned matter but it either means perception depends on cognitive understanding either.

In other words, in conclusion, meaning must have so many items as well as perception includes so, with knowledge, memory to learn it, memory around learned matters, with these helps imagining power or so.
(to be continued)

(Nov. 11th-20th. 2019)