Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

To Us, Personally What should We Take so Grave? Part3

First, now the ones whose age is older than twenty, almost ones could not welcome 20century's new morning except very miraculous longevity given ones unless any medical specific advancement and these days all global nature environmental factors with climate change, forests fire, drought, heatwave, cold wave and flood, hurricane, starvation and COVID panaemic crisis's chronic evolution could be controlled so effectively and smartly.

None the less, our city zone concentrated civilization must never stop technological innovation more and more so efficiently for time loss control.

And if we have very relaxed time once in a day, surely reading books habit must be effective.

Nevertheless paper usage for publishing business must know that never excessive quantity of paper's original usage must be recognized so inefficience ddiffuser and inconvenient for cost reduction for materialized dimensional manufacturing and time loss for printing and material streaming at logistics costing necessity.❇️

Additionally, so much numbers of books keeping at library costs so much.

Though necessarily librarianship technology by itself needs reformation and revising for reacting networked communication corresponding own convertible progress. That must be some gradual analogue sensibility's own switching process into digital it, we have to make half digital sensed tangible sensation so 'own analog(ue)', that physiologic switching must be demanded at our own daily usage's sensing.

In other words, genuinely digital sense should be injected by some our own familiar sense for adopting our sense for machinery dualhty abiding own mixed sensitivity has to be discovered each personally.

Massive quantity books means cost reductive contradictory co-existence. In terms of spatially extent irrational dimensional costing overflow, cleaning rooms costing, books displaying, exhibition designation, library facilities spatial cost for unnecessarily inviting COVID transactional inconvenience around deteriorating breathability and spatial ventilation.

In thad end, we need us to be accustomed with digitalized interpretable intelligence and intellectual necessity and there we should find out new analogue method sensing ever we were attending in using any digital machinery usage.

This time practical exemplifying trial is done in front of you. 

Next movie culture's future in introspectively reviewing movie history.

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 9th.     2022

❇️ Manufacturing of books with printing accompanying own CO2 emission issue's solution can be found for adjusting cost reduction both at ecology and economics could be solved, that'd be so ideal.