Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Almost Absolute Truth b.

To us, materialized time and practical time must exist and be provided so at obliged daily reality.

Nevertheless, specifically personally, metaphysical time is very integral. And necessarily occasionally, publicly that occasion is very necessary.

To us, both personally and publicly, almost time is spent at these optional times. That our lifetime's nature must provide anyone only confused, perplexed and irritated or so.

How we deal with time spending so efficiently and effectively is our merely given absolute questionable proposition. But unexpectedly, in spite of only few time is left behind to us, unexpectedly anyone is non-chalant around that mindset.

How we can regard time by itself is constantly very vitally irreplaceable value and worthwhile questionable proposition to us, substantially to our life.

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 30th.     2022