Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Coincidental Obligation b.

You and I are at necessary match. But my surrounded circumstance ane yours are, if very similar elements could be found, that must be coincidental reasoned things together.

Nevertheless, after you'd known to my presence through my blog of which title included your mom's name, your photograph taken expression obviously got changed appearance to me so obviously.

Because before I consciously made me coming out to public through my lover's name title blog, your expression through your appearance taken photographs had obvious change. Your expression before my conscious coming out was more seriously desperate to all worldly realities. At least to me, that appearance was interpreted.

However after my coming out, your it became more brighter and hopeful eyes' glittering and baby tasty it at recollecting father's complete absence. Your mind had gotten ease in freeing from constantly nervously tense at vigilance to any angle you were surrounded.

You occasionally shows baby tasty expression until these days you could never show anyone around you. Occasionally you make very relaxed younger student lover to sweetheart for you. But even now you also show professional hooker tasty so sharpened and so sexy seductive it too. That's the woman's own wicked and sturdy or cunningly so clever part and inherently given element, you know. Like bewitching pretty Demon, still now. The last is the evidence that you are woman.

All things are the evidence that you and I are daughter and father.

Anyway, when you are active and show some crefible heyday symptom anybody around you must approach your side, but if you show some so weakened mind at some unexpected anxiety and actually your doing will have some self-confidence lacking symptom and that'd be noticed by anyone, not so few ones with leave behind you and your all.

Though rather at your the most active and prosperous days and terms, you should regard that one past obviously recollective days at desperately trying and harshly challenging days' your positively active days' greed should never be forgotten.

Because when you'll be at so painfully irritated and so nervously depressive days on your future period from this moment on, those days' desperately last-ditch and critically sufferable days at dead-end corner and those days desperate and dying situation rather providing strange unidentified bold and extremely self-confident mind on you will help you out from your future attending own overshadowing darkness term. 

At those all so severe crisis, past your unexpected bold and daring trial and that motivated mind must salvage your so heavy times and any crisis and severe moment.

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 23rd.     2023