Blog for Nameless-Value

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Your Beautiful Eyes Ⅱ

You show me some so anxious and scared expression. None the less, your eyes are so brighter.

So easy and cool your eyes carry some touchy words in my mind.

Beautiful eyes, fragrant cheeks, chin and nape of yours take me into associable mind to dimensionally another world's own landscape.

That ease could never make world calmed, but at least to me, that shangri-la picture awakens me into once crippled mind remedied so effectively.

Keep your eyes on your welcoming new phase of your life.

Time running is so cruelly shown to anybody materially.

Views in world are chaotic, but in the screwed up state, some hopeful budding voice could be heard. 

So your eyes taught me silently.

(to N.R. and R○○-lv-vly)

Jan.  28th.     2023