Blog for Nameless-Value

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Reality's Phase Changing a.

Time is made by our own moving in changing posture, body uing appearance. Only moving act's own form is changed by ouq mind and intention.

Though, essentially that each footprint form's transition makes us each own running range, and that generally common process makes us time's volume, mass and extention.

And made move is at the complition made to be recollective past time.

Though once made move and action is none at that ending, finishing in any act's expiration.

Though "PAST" signifies ended action's move and object. Thereby past is existing only at our memory and its outputting recollection.

In other words, past is not spatially extent cognitive notion, but actually our mind's own recollective associable working makes us time's own passed notion as past.

E.g. at watching and facing some material in front of us, basen, stone, rock, desks, chairs, those all substance can be watched, confirmed so visually and tangibly at touching, grabbing or so.

On the other hand, time's cognition does not consist in substance. Though its intrinsic nature depends on mind's immanently being attached or picturing associable and regenerated mind's product.

Though spatially extent categorized own formed figure means materialized dimentional world's notion and measurable standard or criterion. It's extrinsic.

Meanwhile, time running range categorized own formed fiegure is anytime regulated at our mind's measurable imaginary past visualized and auditory sensed concretely ever had empirical admission to memorized appearance. That is not spatially focused own opted form's absence. It's our bodily and spiritually pastured to future abiding introspective mind's scheming.

Meantime, spatially extent mind is reliable on not introspective but very concretely massively grasped own presence abiding consciousness. Though by and large, spatially conscious mind usually ordinarily only each "now" focused mind abiding fixation dependent mind's form.

Though time abiding consciousness consists in changing aspect of our each "now" presenting appearance's serially running current abiding consciousness.

And space abiding it does in each our consciousness's own arbitrary cutting stoppable it.

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 31st.    2023