Blog for Nameless-Value

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What is Subject? A.

Often women are apt to quest men in talking what subject the man has so easily.

The question probably means that ordinarily women are apt to be some passive partner toward men as they're usually needing one to the man whose helpful ability is what they want to get.

Nevertheless, ordinarily to us, society thing means the reality in which subjective behavior is not so effective at taking to any other one in society in terms of deplomatic significance or so.

Because society thing is what we usually are asked to do for the one who asks us. In other words, society means mutually constantly asking and reacting the demand for keeping social reality's sustenance.

Subject is not present from the beginning, far from it, the standard must have effect only after some demanding thing could be given to us as socially necessary task.

Because social human network and each human relationship are usually just so relative, from the beginning the thing is not so strictly fixed.

Though necessarily, subject is perhaps plainly at given mission or so we are necessarily facing, first we can address to at responding to socially demanded task or so. 

Rather in society, when we are asked anything, how we should reply to any questioning and asking, demanding or so. We usually have that question around any asking. That moment, we surely need subject around what reply should be regarded so appropriately, and that our own asking necessary answering needs us have some strict subject.

Because society thing means so mutual relevantly concerned activity.

Next time, when we confront some very obliged emergency, how we should deal with, around the case will be the theme.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 4th.    2023