Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Empty in Empty a.

At broken tension, only a second ago, very many complicated ideas were filled and future inclined mind was packed to my thought.

Momentarily everything was gone away from my mind. That was out of the blue any consciousness is suddenly diffusing with thick sleepy conditioned.

Empty state in emptiness is piled, that almost seen nothing means some another birth.

And that at a stretch, time's running is set off, though necessarily there very infinite spatial extent is emerging in mind. A kind of very dynamic revolving is made there.

Perfect vacume means only genuinely empty state provisional own satisfaction.

That could be the third dimensional appearance.

Time stops in sensibility and sensitivity in which any unnecessary odd element must be none, because only that truly emptiness covering whole zero emitting own stinging power must be any intrinsic being's mother.

Empty in empty is running to move nothing by itself, though rather it gives only minimal core.

That must be a strongly silent talk.

Talk means so diverse. It suggests, associates, intrigues anything even in nothing, vacume space or so.

Being itself is some strong talk. Though talkative playing must be derived from some anxious mind or shyness.

'Empty' comes to me, comes to you, and to space, to time.

Either to picture, to music. Any talk inserts 'empty'.

You talk, only doing so is empty.

Also so filled, no other thing is needed, it's empty too.

Being itselfi is empty. Time does never exist any there.

Yes, if only able to say is being, that thing calling detached mind is merely empty.

You also are empty in empty.

That's our ultimately intrinsic nature.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 9th.    2023

This time suggestion; Any nothing abiding term with emptiness or so must be outputted at certainly being thing.