Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Empty in Empty b.

To us, any absence is made by our mind's own lack state around what we truly want and crave to contact beside us.

Empty feeling is made of those situation.

Nothing in our daily cognition means own our life's view. Though we feel any lack condition just with what we by ourselves are present as one of being in world.

That so metaphysical interpretable index includes 'empty' and 'emptiness'.

Though, necessarily any shortage or ample state's devoid or missing emotional mind's working makes us own concepts with zero, or so.

In other words, some kind of lingering attached mind makes any blanc concept. Necessarily mathematics or science territory usage around 0 is different from my viewing point.

But at least at literature abiding index or our daily personal individually held own mind around life general view is usually so missing emotionally own sentiment.

Though, these are derived from our cognition around our life regarded as ephemeral or cognition of our ability or so in powerlessness. Any feeling fragilely is caused from that our life being's attached emotion.

Our human's own any conceptual index means that our life's own losing empirically cognitive mind. That indication is not so substantially provable nor precisely deliberative matter.

Because we are never conceiving any idea if we are nothing as from the beginning none or already dead.

Though our some missing lament must make us lack or shortage concept, as that consciousness's extended mind must make us any nothing conditioned concept like death.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 10th.    2023