Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Empty in Empty d.

We are prone to think that well doing is so better, but unexpectedly, very good condition is rather so vigilance necessary noticeable situation.

To us, what we can run everything under control is rather very carefully regarded situation.

Modestly doing is prone to be lazy to us, however, maximally, we should control our own arrogant mind at self-confident matter. Nevertheless we often are simply satisfied at good running.

None the less, unexpectedly, when we lose any own convincing thing's completion in setback, rather we can be clear aroun our own doing in transperant view. For neatly arranging our own view in introspective necessity.

Anyway, rather at having once losing to any good running, we can have own calm mind for viewing everything so objectively (yes, objective interpreting is owned at our necessary introspective and summary necessity).

Though, to us having mess-up in confusion means that we can have cool viewing so easily. To what we could know so easily, we can have another view as truly not that ordinary nature could be potentially equipped. Because we are prone to know so well so easily, but with some another angled introspection, we could easily have some skepticism toward what we thought so simple, and another angled interpreting could be done.

Though truly very appropriate view can be obtained at very nervously falling in setback at losing momentary any previously held self-confidence.

It the end, knowing what we know everything so few could revise our confused orbit.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 14th.   2023