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Momentary Joy, Amusement's Ironically Derives Hard Gap 2.

Contemporary citizen's socially very liberal voice as the right to talk has own propelled global community's(either that could be one of very attractive illusion to all of us.) enchanting realities certainly gives any own very finite selected classes ones' dominant community with commonsense for generally undeveloped conditioned national, domestic circumstance too.

Undeveloped GDP, as with liberty abiding ordered countries have usually dominant power controlling so stacle escalation. Though more and more global world could have at no-limit to any upcoming future, just "TWO POLARS" SHARE, obviously having economics abiding credible ones progress and not that own draconian autocratic dominance and the fixed reality's modus ponens promotes a typed ones, obviously "Self defense own intelligent collecting spying activity's professionally clandestine technology must have extraordinary advance. That probably these days, specifically around transmittable information collecting activity's progress at generalization of technical knowhow and that general citizens' individual share and own citizen leveled advancement around general usage, in feed back circulation prompts any global region's information gathering objects flying or so will be made ceaselessly and technological applicable progress's advancement so infinitely.

Each controlling technological approach promotes own divergent advancement in making own watershed to several discriminated methods.

Each grade discovery and its each pioneering unit's own tenant in legally secured acquisition makes global community own espionage activity abiding mutual harsh industrial spying activities and each plundering battle will be accelerated.

Intelligence collecting technological each gap makes any sided concerned ones own classified hierarchy.

Only arm dealers will obtain stable income. SIGINT(signal information technology) pioneering engineers will obtain very stable income in these relevant running.

Of course, that development must have merit at general citizens' necessity around personal home security.

Each professional engineers socially demanded need must promote them stable job in stable income. These socially made its modus ponens driving own reality's general market's own supplies to general citizens made at OSINT(open source information technology).

Necessarily, both camps at West and East have each own growth will be made consehuently and specifically military weapons and investigating machines engineers technological demand and weapons manufacturing and  producing order stably gains ground.

In other words, those necessarily made hegemonic global competitive race will make global community own arbitrarily s et two camps' hostility at preparing US., EU, EURO, NATO, G7 and Russia, China, iran, A fghanistan, M yammer, Sough Africa, or so and North Korea.

Necessarily, each nich market at each occasion arbitrarily will be made occasionally accidentally and at another chance very arbitrarily.

Because transmitting territory's domestic SIGINT authorizing OSINT technological information technology is helped by former and helping former mutually. Necessarily in both territories both enemy and ally are surviving and partially comromise to each other. The composition necessarily is applied at West and East both alliances. In each option, necessarily any kind of hegemonic competitive conferences and mutually arbitrary negotiations are kept by both sides.

In these realities, necessarily espionage war randomly executed by each arbitrary concessive table's own conclusion.

To some necessary extent, ally and enemy are constantly arbitrarily except obvious hostility like these days' Russia and Ukrine. Very accidentally, those countries and both military organizations are mobilized, even now.

Though in conclusion, those all interlocked chain reaction will make occasionally espionage war and armistice negotiable table in turn. In there wavy turn, unfortunately some irresistible emergency of war victims as sacrificed ddath toll is made.

Necessarily these emergency should be controlled, but actually very many factors are consistently entangled, though we'd never prevent any war from coming up to this globe, probably at least perfectly everlastingly.

With those all viewpoints, GAFAM's own necessarily introduced sinful nature's analysis should be mergently analyzed by all us. For never making this period's own tragedy. GAFAM'S our own usage's amendment and

for conscious improvement abiding viewpoints taken

academic and private both circles' spontaneous research are anticipated so urgently. Necessarily I either want me to be engaged in that objective activities.

And necessarily, that demanded reality's substance should be informed by any concerned circle. Also those activities promoting own commodities should be manufactured by intellectual pioneering engineers and programmers.

Because rerearchable necessity and pioneerable it are mutually back to back.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 15th      2023