Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Universal Share in Realities A.

Being as constantly anything could change or be changed will never change nor be changed.

Realities in constantly convertible is the truth given to us by Nature and Lord.

Super excellently abnormal bad girl's definition either.

Popular products' contents, line-up and value's paradigm too.

None the less, one thing which could never change in anytime changed realities. That must be our own wanting mind to love someone.

No matter what happens to us so personally and no matter what makes us changed in frustrated wavy realities, that simply wanting mind could never change to us, you know.

Only wanting to love somebody could never change, anything could be safer at something in coming with help by own probable entity.

That aspect expectation could be ambiguously unidentified at any occasional mode given to us.


Hands performance and moving appearance are never given in training nor discipline in daily aimed idea.

Beauty of hands is the gift. Nevertheless, beauty's mind could biased and crooked so unnecessarily, hands beauty goes bad in any impacting around her.

Any never ever visited place could never be surpassed at anybody's whole lifetime even at so longevity.

Nevertheless, that mindful hoping makes us some significant another adventurous heart in daily life to us.

Certainly, goodness and wickedness are back to back, but not ideally regarded but neither so worsened done thing's territory must be so infinitely extended to us, as some possible pioneering domain.

No way! You can change your heart either from now on, even at so small only given field could whisper to now your heart, you know.

Any option is based on your nature in which your mind is on running.

So take it easy, because your lifetime controller is no one but you so everlastingly as long as you survive in this world.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 19th.     2023