Blog for Nameless-Value

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Nowhere to Stay 1.

Around you, some inescapable hunch adheres to anybody, that is kind of difference cognitively perceptive our own persistent idea.

That coule be concretely pictured at the moment we have in mind as generation gap or survival territory gap or so.

Nevertheless, nobody could deal with or kind of surpass almost destined time running abiding substantial surge. 

None the less, anybody could have own familiarity around never movable, or irreplaceable valuable mind's index, in those we usually have some necessary ease.

Nobody must survive parmanence beyond any necessary change.

Though, staying appearance is constantly conveniently interim.

War frontline runs any supply and salvage unit. That issue of the battle must leave many resentment around both camps.

In-between positioned ones could gain ground, but that position is either very fragile.

In the end, only nowhere to stay in mind irresistibly comes up with that notion.

Nobody is strictly stable at parmanence in keeping the strictly correct and absolutely fixed idea, far from it, merely incidental procedure is left at any site in human society.

The total reality's finite nature could make us own fantasy, or rather delusion.

That is totalitarian ideological illusion.

Action makes policy. That's politics' absolute rule.

Toss up for the first arbitrator.

That positioning advantage or disadvantage in outcome brought up for surviving topical crisis is anytime ambiguous.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 21st.    2023