Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Sentences Making Manner 2.

Verse as representative with Poety the whole and Prose as representative with Novel, Essay are essentially mutually different manner attending things.

Former intends to focus detached view consciousness, adopted at creating, but latter does to do attached view describable form applicable creating, because daily our ordinary consciousness is intends to adopt Epistemological view, but just because of our daily fact, we need another form through verse as necessity around viewing our totalled life appearance so objectively and introspectively. Though we need Poetry things asanother dimensional fiction toward Novels.

By the way, Biology has great conversion from 20century's subjective consciousness into21ones it.

That was from Richard Dawkins's "Selfish Gene" into Steven J. Gould's Altuism with Motoo Kimura, Shinichi Fukuoka.

Latter idea consists in dynamic equilibrium as acquisitive strategical metabolic releasing whole once consumptive energy-efficient diffusion into the air as Billogical circulation system abiding physiological our Biographical mechanism.

Nevertheless, as my own remark, actually if we focus our investigating object for own survival in ecology, still Selfish Gene abiding idea is never defining in error.

We actually at one nature world circulation system's notice, completely mutually symmetrical views could never be interpreted as only alternative object, but rather mutually compatible own contradictory Moebius formed own twisted structure must be given to nature world.

Either sentences' own compatibility around verse and prose means both mutually twisted co-existence. We could definitely interpret our original literature legacy.

Because we need both Analytical viewing abiding own ideas and Synthesis viewing abiding own ideas mutually in turn and at simultaneous grast at some necessary cases.

Though, Verse is more abstract view adoption, though Selfish Gene conceptual view typed cognition, on the other hand, Altuism conceptual view typed cognition is left to more Prose in Literature.

In other words, nature world and our brain's own cognitive structure as spiritual activities are mutually at the same structure as both squads structural principle or some yet solved mechanism.

(Irregularly continued)

Mar.7th.    2023