Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Infidelity in Landscape 1.

Heavy locomotion makes travelor own spatial notion.

Transportation technological Satan makes civilization own hegemony to any territory Lord.

Travelers' kind makes each one own nature.

Convenience makes us own credibility to panatia around immediate outputting reality.

Our landscape aspect must be reflected on another meaning toward what shows by itself.

Where can we find our own wishing mind?

Socially procedural whole running makes us some empty detachement.

Any local advantage must have incompatibility around globally peaceful stability.

Otherwise, anyone's mind, only previously abandoning emotion and sensibility could have been composed.

Neglecting any indirectly relevant thing has been already fixed as tacitly unwritten law.

Oh, Lord, where are you witnessing from any site's own incident?

Any lukewarm justice could never be found not only in mind but also any beautiful landscape.

Beauty made through financing reality has no attached familiarity. Because rationalistic term's own embodied form is these days' infrastructural completed beauty.

Where should we regard true justice?

How can we find true justice?

Financing, investing rules actually makes global networks so stably functioned. But is it truly only properly done?

Any sunny day must welcome evening glow. Nevertheless, any time table is just based on one way direction's ceaseless in turn cycle.

Any beauty can be recollected as personal memory.

Makeshift procedure dominates whole social site's reality. Either justice is organized with totalled expediency.

Only morning glow after daybreak stimulates anybody's resetting mind.

But reinstalling necessity is another occasion.

Nevertheless, any further seen mountainous chain appearance could be seen immovably everlasting existence. But to our mind, is it true?

(Irregularly continued)

Mar. 10th.   2023