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Grammar with Verbs' mainly used Syntax Order's Reason and Adjective 2

(Continued from former article)

Against it, adjective usage, it's so effective only at informing after we'd once accomplished our given mission at precise degree interpretable informing. Though, necessarily, adjective ought to be personal impressively mentioning.

Specifically, in very rationalized our alive contemporary modernized society, it'd be the truth. Because ordinarily at work, it's needed data.

What we mention around our mind's own impression is very another informing, significantly.

Though, necessarily Sellars claimes "We dare not to set standard it, modifying action should never be done through our mind's catching personal impression( because it'd be indirect as not immediate interpreting.), after all, we make adjective understanding interpretablestandard and give us a permission to us, in having our impression in mind. 

None the less, it'd have something to do with informed concent, we'd regard it as not so appropriate. Because our ancestors' human society must have attended some hesitant mind at using "Introspective mind", "remorseful", "shameful", "acknowledging own sinful mind through necessarily our ancestors must have categorized adjective, neither into simply definitive adjective nor neither into verb, our mentioning could have become only formal as ceremonial premise or expediency, our ancestors must have known so, they must have contained either not so easily informable contents either we can infer so far.

Though differently from what we'd regard what we interpret its smartly logical to make affirmation is set as standard in applying negation as a variant, to us, making verbs mainly for conveying communication in easily understood to anyone in terms of grammar and syntaxes as our daily truth is the similar action to adjective, we'd set normativity.

(to be continued)

Written in Japanese at July 18th 2013, translated into English at Mar. 28th.  2023