Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Come back to Me, Old days' Myself!

To  us, those days were older days than now as these days. However those dayswe all were younger than now we are.

New days for us means close to, approaching to our own death. 

New thing means getting older in passing any ever present day, day by day!

And we'd never back to past as we could never get younger, we anytime head for only getting older in welcoming new day. Day by day, we'd get older.

That very contradictory and mutually contrary factual truth's own mechanism must never have solved by anybody. And anybody in knowing everything so in enigma must die some day in future.


Though surviving is just the journey to our own death.

Any time running must only heads for at having never coming back and anytime is now, but any now is switched into new now and only now is consistently never fixed. Everlastingly never fixed at any now is the sole nature only time has intrinsically.

Time must survive any being's sturdy nature. 

But is it so truly so?

We'd never have absolute truth in no any enigma. 

And we only produce enigma from next to another.

Aren't you so tired?

But you'd never easily be dead untli you'd die truly.   

And that truth must never discriminate anyone.

World in being and time must havf very many unidentified enigmas.

Only it'd be so exactly and certainly.

(Irregularly continued)

Apr. 1st   2023