Blog for Nameless-Value

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Do Never Disdain Your Own Mind!

It's incumbent on you, and me to cooperate own independence.

Because that necessity is obviously neglected by some authority.

That arbitrarily made global trend must make you and me the bargaining chip for escaping from that dominant aspect.

Some arm dealers' own profitable global commerce route and circuit which overshadow our daily reality done to you.

To those truths, and your own mind, intrinsically indwelling ideas are mutually in own independence.

That reason is different from rationalistic reason, rather it must be your very own belief's core.

There're ones whose survival way is nothing but dodging any unnecessary contacting.

That's the lazily conservative way for sustaining only safer survival.

We all are at captivity in some unconscious shell and prison. Because our subconscious mind's prison anytime makes us coward around confronting different ifas around surviving any trouble.

Have a honor to your own mind!

Because you'd have some very irreplaceable belief to your ideally embodied world for you!

Only our running habitual manner is so satisfied situation for you, isn't it?

Question your mind, and abandon only your lazy mind's leaving fallacy! Though through to do so, you should respect your own ideal!

That ought to be so naturally given your idea.

None the less, unnecessary temptation makes us lazy mind at watching true belief.

Thus, occasionally, reset all your habitually attending all acts!

And gaze at any freshened ideas so consciously!

Though only what you'd taken so respectful to your belief which must be the compass and finger to you to be guided to correct way for your future!

For doing so well, you need inspection when you feel so necessary for doing so!

Apr. 4th.  2023