Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Devilish Ease a.

The idea you can conceive only at early morning must come up to you in a moment, you'd quickly catch that into your mind room.

That activating your mind must stock some ambitious idea around surviving any externally dragged irresistible agitating wind. That adventurous mindful running is kept on your mind though you truly are standing by any reacting for unnecessary hindrance.

Because society thing is merely the battlefield and to survive in the whirlpool, you are anytime conscious about being vigilant at noticing anything you can confirm when you walk around any location.

You do it, and you'd never look back to your walking step in running on your stepping.

None the less, you should be pretending to be nonchalant at anything you receive from anybody around you. Because you know the necessity to play a role to be some credible one in circle you belong to.

Your subconsciously given autonomous reaction on mind for pretending so easy, hiding your perplexed mind and irritated spirit.

You owe the duty to be a good and kind person in your circle which socially credibly positioned in your busy and hard reality.

You could want it relieved from unnecessary missioned task captivity. None the less, it'd never be so easily resetted.

Though you try to make your mind jump on your constantly seating board.

But that trial could be blocked by your own hesitant emotion. Nevertheless you try it again.

Because you want you to be free from any unnecessary captivity. That irresistible mind is unexpectedly persistent on you.

Though you'd make iteration on resetting your initial setting. And you'd prepared for launching to next phase.

You are proceeding on your given track and occasionally try to look back to your ever stepped road.

Nevertheless, one more readied another yourself order that looking back yourself to quit that doing.

You otherwise try to make your poetry changed into purely written poetry from captivated into prose as really fixed verse. Meantime, another yourself reacts it at saying "Really fixed verse is merely contradictory, coz truly freely written verse must be constantly positively incomplete.

Anybody wants the one controlled at any unnecessarypretending "myself" coming up to the one's daily reality.

Easy current is too hardly outputted to address to so easily, natural running is too arbitrary to put it on the ideal condition so necessarily.

Though anybody is irresistibly hesitant at trying to output it so simply.

Puzzled reality once necessarily should be disentanglied and we can go onto easy running.

At disliking own pretending, anybody tries to plead God to do everything so earnestly.

Consequently, we could be awakened at our own nature to have our mind so naturally easy is so hard to embody that we are prone to pretend to be honest, but that trial in mind after all brings about us some unnatural pretending to anyone around us. Though we try to reset it.

Just think only easy thing and watch any running around us so calmly. Though necessarily some advising timing and whistling must be found on your noticeable mind.

You were struggling around capturing truly natural ease, but it'd never been so easily gotten on your mind.   

Though once you'd forsook and retried.

Though now you are again approch running. But once stumbled mind running unexpectedly never so fragile by any unnecessary hindrance.

Please believe in your acquired endurance!

You had many failures and errors. And those piled memory must keep next your doing from easily stumbled occasion and you'd run so stably at least for a while at your subsequent running.

Your heavy road won't reach to the deadend, so easily.

Though you can run in some relaxed mind so far, anyway, for the present, rearrange your posture for the moment to resume or relaunch to your heavy road!

Easy, never hurry so excitedly!

Because your serially confrontable heavy road so far rhows the destination now you are heading for.

(Irregularly continued)

Apr.  7th.    2023