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Is it True that Anytime Only Liberalism Idea is Constantly Correct? A.

In the US, certainly liberalism ideological idea could have been regarded as just and justice abiding idea, specifically for intelligentsia people. But intrinsically, real society could never have been sustained only by them, far from it, actually any class belonging regarded one could have contributed to the society. And the idea is very standard and acceptable to any individual citizen.

Meanwhile, actually Affirmative Action was prompted by mainly liberalism abiding justice idea and own ideology. Actually, at 60ー70s, those days younger generation ones were influenced by liberalisms thinkers and authors.

Nevertheless at these several decades topically noticeably picked uq e.g. Micro-Aggression or so as contemporary society abiding theory dogmatized according to liberalism's own justice could never recognized the most appropriately correct, we'd never regard so definitely.

Necessarily these ideas should never be made light of by any angle. None the less, simultaneously these ideas could be regarded as only one angle focused narrow-minded idea, in fact, as ratial discrimination suppressively deliberative idea is not always absolutely not correct nor absolutely correct.

Just, at the case in general, not minority regarded sided one's justice abiding liberalism must be to some extent inclined as superiorly regarded sided citizens' own superior complex sustainable justice idea could be dominated, in general, that very unconscious mind's appearance could never be denied.

Not only already mentioned reasons but also, from the beginning, any national citizen as ethnicity, race, and religiously and culturally background's own conditioned gap and mutual intrinsic physiological and mutually instinctively differentiated gap is actually ubiquitously existing and very universally fixed at each region, at each different typed community and belonging unit's own nature and definite significance.

Originally, at each community and each differentiated identified community mutually very gapped expressing way and own manner around signifying each personal emotion and either grouping and massive members unit abiding own unwritten law and own shared sensitivity and habitual courtesy and accustomed own manner or so must be gapped so much to each other.

Though, consequently, even if somebody could feel some very disgusting impression and emotion around receiving reaction by facing one adjacently staying, that mutually attended own culturally context abiding gap previously and mutually inherently fixed to each other, even if one side could be accepting so discreminable contacting to the contacting partner even if very accidentally meeting to each other by chance, mutual disparity as being given by accidentally staying mutually by each other, mutually only through mutual culturally gapped reality's no idea or so which could make very accidentally mutual ones unfortunate misunderstanding and to it, mutually at some very subjectively misunderstood mind, each one has, that case's frequency is never denial at that daily scenery our socially embodied reality at each case, very each occasionally accidentally differently made situation could be set at each case and occasion in own timing.

Though fundamentally any mutually claimable criticism in harsh resentment abiding mental and justice claimable battle could be regarded as so empty, we'd signify those cases so consequently.

Thus, in the end, around these psychological mentally traumatized mind's case is not always so obviously defined some case just "discriminable idea, behavior, manner, so easily and defiantly regard to each other or so easily alleged so at lighter feeling and impression. In general, we'd say so, otherwise, we'd at a specific occasion, articulate so, very clearly.

(Irregularly continued)

Apr. 13th.  2023

Appendix; Originally, as long as mutually basically differentiated manner around expressing own courtesy and affection and mutual expressing own unpleasant emotion and impression are laid between both ones, though from the beginning definitely mutually shared standard and form could never acknowledged to each other. Though, after all no other way but mutually approaching to the partner, attending own consciousness mind so spontaneously.