Blog for Nameless-Value

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What do you think the Sole Method to Evade Pleasant Feeling around Being Captive?

We all are managed by language. Additionally, we are controlled by words and syntax structure. Moreover, culturally convenience of life must control us.

These are not so visibly managing and slavely managedw. rather we feel it as irresistibly never free from it.

Though, nobody is controlled by nothing.

Anybody is governed by information and desire for chasing it, and vanity to any other one.

If pleasant feeling controlled by anything is only a canphor's injection around captivity.

So stark, with what are we free from those unnecessarily felt pleasant feeling?

Probably, one given method is consciously cutting off privately seen unnecessary information. It means affirmatively conscious neglecting.

It's only abstinantly having concern only to opted things, not all of them.

Necessary thing varies according to each individual.

Except them, all things should be left to each one whose necessity is each of it in any them.

Necessarily, we'd never abandon all things.

Temptation to death unnecessarily attacks to anybody whose will is spiritually stiff and strict.

Even the feeling could be welcoming at anybody's mind so privately. At any situation anybody is positioned, at least once some idea is ordinarily emerging.

Of course, that occasion and integrity depend on eachmind and personality.

And totally that mind's background is constantly not so easy nor so plainly simple, far from it, very many nervous factors make whirlpool.

Insomniac night is so easy, nevertheless, once sleepy feeling overshadows, contrary, disconnectedly sound sleep runs simultaneously at being in cycle. Even nightmare could disconnectedly coming.

After all, we are obliged to accept bad awakening from them and in it, we could be obliged to find out ease.

In the extent, we have nightmares, also hope could be there, necessarily that not embodied setback anxiety makes us nightmare too. Anyway, we want to make us in mind clear, none the less, that easy mind's process is hardly gotten nor made at any unpleasantly assaulting externally caused factors.

If we'd have no frightful nightmare nor disgusting memory flashback in wishing mind, but externally obliged irresistible force could never be excluded so completely at any occasion.

Any pain and traumatized memory and some unpleasantly assaulting flashback in mind could be made sometimes. Not so easily diffused mind's dregs annoy our ordinarily kept sane emotion occasionally.

Otherwise, only heavenly fluffy pleasance could come up to our mind, rather our own death could be approaching.

Disease could be held by anybody at any part of the body. But no matter how great arm doctor is not panacea nor almighty.

We have feeling only made alive, not so spontaneously, even if we'd think that state is not so better, so irresistibly. Nevertheless simultaneously only operated passive state could be felt disgustingly either.

Certainly, everything should be controlled by our spontaneity, none the less, in life, anything is going on to be controlled by our spontaneity, far from it, almost realities to us, not only privately nor publicly must never be made through our spontaneous effort, mindset nor any will in our mind, far from it, almost things are just irrelevantly running by itself remotely to our intention.

Simply, we'd never do almost anything so well not only externally generated things but also internally irresistibly coming up to the deeply potential bottom of our own mind either.

Basically, even our mind could never force our mind itself and also could never be forced at specified own will which was once intentionally made by ourselves ever according to that past moment's own decision.

Not only mind but also body and spirit neither.

In other words, anything around us is never under our own control.

Done things by our mind is very partially. Only a few finite mind could be easily controllable. 

Because, mind by itself is not so easily free from spontaneously wanting will nor ideologically schemed idea nor ideally regarded view, and necessarily almost ideal could never be embodied and that ideally regarded object and nature by themselves are easily transformed, replaced with any other appearance.

Only constantly along our body condition or sensation could make us awakened at some subconscious mind or that tasty potentially sunk lust or craving emotion or so. That totally contains also mentally physiological some feeling and psychologically given each momentarily differentiated nature abiding some automatically dragging power or so.

Certainly all beings, even at least at our momentary mind or so could be very whimsically driven to any unexpected direction in no expectable schemed mind, emotion and psychological mentality or so. And either they all in unidentified each occasionally gapped mood

or so as impulsively given mind's mode which to some arbitrary extent tries to make ends meet in observable viewpoint's own momentary arbitrary judging mind.

At each momentarily made reality, we very fragilely can have own freedom atmosphere or so, very exceptionally.

Very only fuzzy or very each occasionally arbitrary gotten momentary ease could be some neutral domain abiding some given to be or being in awakened mind for being or so. These totalled nuence must be some vague image attended to "Freedom".

Not only Hideggar's Dasein, but also necessarily all beings or so.

All internal idea's freedom as Nitzsche said in his writings, or our ancestors had created. The most typical it is God. God could be recognized through both generally believed seen in our own mind and more privately cognitively equipped and potentially staying familiarly felt, mind's eyes' confirmable it are mutually probably to anybody's mind so naturally.(that naturally is so toughat defining so definitely at fixed dimension, because mutually we'd never confirm so easily.)

(Continued to next chapter)

Apr. 15th.  2023

Mainly, essay's born was written at Dec.12th. 2017 in Japanese, mainly not switched at re-written in English with supplementary addition for reinforcing claims or describable messages.