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How should Our Life Stance be Set in Mind c.

I have no credibly helpful idea around economics, though fundamentally I'm not qualified at mentioning these days' own financially manageable anxiety with inflation though only my idea around emergency necessary mindset, I'd like to address to.

When we are proclaimed bankruptcy, how we should consider estate deal and how we could pay back debt or so will be emergently questionable to anybody, though at that occasion, we should calm it down for soothing our irritated mind and try to measuse the most appropriate and future rough recovery scheming. 

At very shocked situation, we'd never deal with any payment around diffusing debt heal.

However, we should make up our mind again at constructive idea.

For making it smooth, around what we'd once plunged into irretrieval financing orbit, that mainly thought reason should be inspected so deliberately.

When we have the worst situation around financially and practically deadlocked circumstances, we should check any our own possession item's value and own assets value's assessment though each professional appraiser, connoisseur or any item's professional ones.

US's main bank's own management failure must have very gigantic global social anxiety and that reconstruction must have own hard barriers so much.

Nevertheless, at tha occasion, rather the coolest judgement and globally range taken account own objectivewand detached situation analysis and speedy reaction is needed.

At any failure very careful rechecking and each genre categorized situation analysis are needed. 

Economics is some very times abiding gambling nature reliant structural problems. But simultaneously, investors, general consumers with mutual gap which means that basically anyone is one unit of consumer and investing and speculation doing economically socially influenced one who is relevant with each economically social trend and reality abiding strategical conversation necessity.

In other words, we are never equivalent with any other one, but simultaneously we all are merely consumer, and merely lifetime creator.

To some necessary extent, any victim is at some own reason either assailant economically and life abiding influencing powered presence.

Just at the hardest and worst situation, we should cooperate with each other. Assailants and victims together. And necessarily there we need very neatly arranged own reason and calm mind.

With those simultaneous sets, we'd deal with quickly any necessary disposal.

Around doing anything, intermediary as perfectly neutral positioned one must be necessary for proceeding any procedure.

At the matter of fact, our society by itself is equivalent with one gigantic court with no judge and lawyer, to that place we'd arbitrarily set any role as socially advantageous for sustaining totally any ordered society which is almost equivalent with some independent local communities conglomerate.

(Irregularly continued to d. as the same subject)

Apr. 23rd.  2023