Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Around General Disposition in Thinking and Transaction to it ⓵

In daily life, the most integral item is probably whether we'd complete our own physiological control or not as the key to our mission completing accomplishment.

Because we all are very easily impacted by physiological environment as the own creature.
Though, in our task, neatly arranging our own work site and the smart option of its place must have the maximal effect to our mission completing and accomplishment around the degree.


E in general =, or ≠ B

factor of accomplishment to best work consists in "Trying to make E made closest B.

Diffusing gap between (= and ≠ ⇒ B) as D.

And, making D means, if we regard the factor to make us difference of B, it'd be our own environment factor EF must be 

EF(D), though, necessarily,  

EF = ( D ⇒ B)

And, working space's effective arranging with sweeping in cleaning formulated as NE, and it means either 
Excluding odd elements, thus,

NE = EC ⇒ B, 

B = ( D = EC )

In other words, for prosecuting the maximally effective our missioned job, simply and plainly our workplace's neatly arranging in cleaning, though anyway practice it for the first. We can definitely promote anyone in trying to do the best job.

(Irregularly continued)

May. 15th.  2023