Blog for Nameless-Value

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I wanna Own Your Love H.

Your own naughty expression is over your future picturing minded so publicly. 

Your eyes gazing reality must be glimpsing constantly glittering future globally extent mind turning satellite.
Probably your curiosity must gone through only agitated and mobilized step, already very still and composed performance.

You are now in spiritually settled in run after only constantly watchable object or nature, not dependent on topically witnessable but rather so essentially confirmable at your focused eye injection to any scenery developing.

Your mind heading angle must radiate any penetrating gaze and strict notice.

Your mindful settlement already must never roam nor hesitate. And naughty spiritually actively humorous expression indicative own appearance must mean your wildly executing daily stuff step to newly conceived mind road.

Love signifies so variously and diversely to any angle. That shows your own self confident stable scheming heart and soulful core course.  

Now your hugging idea and future prospect are on very encouraged long running path which is absolutely still chemistry.

Your vigilantly gazing mind's own focused field must make you own insight. With that catching eyes, it is made by your own mind's fiber wish.

That must be divinity and clearly shown mind necessary solemn road running.
With your subtle smiley naughtiness, I can find what you've already composed in your mind.

Be glory on your graceful road on your heartfull mind and insightful eyes' own grip.

(Irregularly continued)

May. 28th.   2023

(To B E/ D 1 / P B O)