Blog for Nameless-Value

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Life Prison Reality e.

It's disgusting thing, but even scumbag could claim so appropriately, after all, it's necessary, even I was an enemy to the one, I can see the one's remark, so correctly obliged. yes, that idea is reliant on society's unwritten law, otherwise we could define it as prisoned life, you know.

Our own society not as less as animal one, in the end, words, kind of its logic, these could bind us, in fact, only through them, we are barely go through with any social trouble's solution.

Execessively deliberating days make us own exhaustion with heavy fatigue, nevertheless, having no idea goes on for ass-hole.

Stinker, mother-fucker, those indecent regarding for dealing and calling is in general so disgusting treatment for anybody, after all, all what we do is only neatly completing everything, thus, on so perfect prosecution, not doing one could be your dupe, you know!

Every doing, saying by that shit stain can be seen so on you, but even the one's claim can be well interpreted, these days, at length, can't it?

Because surrounded by any disgusting thing means no discrimably showered to anybody, you know, you, me, and anybody in same condition. Gee, don't you see it so we'll?

Nevertheless, not so easily gulped occasion must be coming to you too, yeah, me too. But the one who emits it so easily in general first stumbles as socially credibly, though, do all so well, not at stumbling along doing anything, so carefully!

(Irregularly continued)

June. 19fh.    2023