Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Pictured Appearing Assorts 2️⃣

In frank, there's we can have only at losing everything, so surely. Otherwise, there must be what we'd never comprehend in keeping everything as not losing anything.

In other words, getting everything must be truly getting everything in falsehood, or to say, on the contrary, getting nothing in trying unnecessarily everything as beating the air.

Those intrinsically means merely, losing something means getting other thing as positively, though positively regarding something must need some ironical background around emptily acquiring nothing on experience as not so negative, far from it, rather not that bad, in other words, running everything at no failure nor mistake otherwise rather the poorest situation for us, in terms of value.

However, simultaneously, it'd neither be ideal, never the supreme, we could conclude so at obliged consciousness. Though, in conclusion, not so negatively regarded item is never the supreme nor the most elegant, nevertheless, never the cheapest, that passive attitude in extent of barely forgiven situation for us, you know.

None the less, that must never be so pessimistically regarded situation, and rather that is somewhat own detonator. After all, some positive stimulus means introspective driving force abiding own detachment.

Those natures must be our some integral touchstone for our proceeding.
Thus, in admitting emerging something can be consciously noticed means not negatively accepting some future success possibly realizable minimal hope.

In any minimally forgiven thing means at least losing minimally. Minus acquisitive the maximal evasion of unnecessary fanatism.

(Irregularly continued)

June. 24th.  2023.