Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Our Reality’s Essence 1.

Commerce, trade, and any our daily reality must have tacit premise. It is important mindset is not substance, but rather completely form or manner of ideology as financing, accounting course or estimation by themselves. What makes them so as our socially given reality's own nature must have been derived with our own mind attending intuitive instinctive own hatred around knowing directly our own atrocious nature.

In other words, we need only purified formal beauty, not substantial appearance, because we all know that we are very cruel violent presence for survival in applying very atrocious relationship around winning social enemy and any unnecessary rivals.

Any globally circulated Pop songs are merely functioning for diffusing any our cruelly done commerce, trade act attending our own remorseful mind as attended irrestible moral dilemma.
First, to us, words by itself is already one of perfect form for survival to us.

In other words, to us, any substance means only rare and savage own greedy . Though we need to purify or beautify our own very dirty daily action.
And any purification is embodied through law and justice with jurisprudence and accounting reality. In previously given premise, necessarily to us, words communication and language's own hiding to any our savage nature.

Actually, money by itself is complete excuse to our own act. And probably, capitalism's economic activity must be mainstreamed one from these days on, but on the other hand, either China's planned economy must never disappear.
These combination was probably only very accidentally done to human beings.
In other words, we as human presence is not controlling our this own species by ourselves from the beginning only at once, never controllably just our ancestors survived any other tribal unit, only for selfish desirable survival, and the reality is never essentially changed nor corrected into some ideally regarded formed situation.

Probably from these days on, our descendants will contrive to make ends meet at any occasion when they face some critically emergently reactionary situation, but the deal will be constantly expediently done interim it.
Nevertheless, one our ease will be our own thinking power and recollectively regarded idea's own analytical ability.
Occasionally, we need to encourage us as future positive possibility.
Because constantly pessimistically regarded view must be dangerous symptom for building new agenda for our future. For the present, only the view should be mentioned here.

(Irregularly continued)

June. 26th. 2023