Blog for Nameless-Value

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True Unidentified Proposition ①

Supositively, there we can admit three Haiku poets in the top of hill, or mountain, and they accidentally look over the same direction with eveningglow in reddened sunset state. Though each of made Haiku afterward one of them said that Kigo as seasonal theme word could be Nishi-bi or Kaku-you (西日、西陽 / 洛陽), probably, each of three Haiku-Poet must make very personally different types of masterpiece. 

And, by and large, ordinary citize could be amazed all those masterpieces mutual expressed nuance's difference.
Nevertheless, more intrinsically inquirable amazing thing is never the difference. But to us, what makes those three Haiku-poets were synchronically watching the same sun shiny appearance at the almost identically seen direction, by themselves.

In general, anybody has own nature and each given assort tendency, the condition in terms of biological term abiding interpretation makes us convince that e.g. Darwin's natural selection and species physically given faculty. But that each gapped nature is rather very ordinary truth to us, and in fact, truly intrinsicity regarding own difficult proposition around interpretable analyzing the most amazing proposition is at the matter of fact, to us given own synchronicaly recognizable perceptive, or mutually admirably identically interpretable accord by the truth self.

Necessarily, joint attention is included in the identity, but to us, any our known species must have the definitively syncghronical joint notice could be certainly made in very natural appearance by itself is the most difficultly analyzable truth or item, content.
Very necessarily, this notice must be related with time's synchronicity. But it's not so enough, because to us, physically given geographically identically admirable joint noticeable factual recognition is displayed at this consciousness. 

And, probably, only the thing must be the sole truth that time and space simultaneously can be arranged at least at propositionally given intrinsicity.

In this noticeable proposition initial setting must have no intrinsic difference between time and space. Because it indicates not mutual essentially given gap, but rather what nature time and space mutually have difference by itself is easily overcome and the essential difference is easily transcended.

Next formulated truth must be deduced.


And, necessarily, it is never finitely interpreted as synchronically made joint attention, not only but also even if the notice could not be realized, e.g. afterward, we'd introspectively, mutually have recollective notice in mutually admitting each not accord notice was made, to the fact, we can mutually admit, the matter is the most integrally essential intrinsicity as the most difficultly analyzable identity or at least to us, decisively given ABSOLUTE FACT.

(Irregularly continued)

June.  30th.   2023

Appendix; Probably this propositional conditioning must be the sole identity in which any difference around e.g. science, philosophy, psychology, logics, mathematics must be easily overcome.