Blog for Nameless-Value

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Midnight Walking a.

Midnight's insomniac walking diffusion makes us own landscape only midnight makes us.

Building dense estate scarcely spatially affordable zone's sidewalks are including often not so neatly daily sweeping well-done location is apt to attend prosperous weedy zone, and in it, some beautiful flowers are confirmable.

Usually, these zones are watchable at midnight material streaming long distance trucks heavily passing highway zone.
Only 24 hour system convenient stores were interspersely located, and midnight opened restaurants also so, but relatively, than daytime, anybody autonomously becomes still and calm mind at awakened nighttime approaching daybreak.

In 24hours, probably anybody has own physiological biorhythm.
Rather daytime makes any individual dull at having generosity, because daytime makes any individual compete any other one.

Daytime is not for taking pause nor sleeping in general, but more consciously mutually vigilant at watching everything except reasonably convincing case.

In carnal social, necessity means saint nature and worldly nature in some wheels, indispensable mutually arbitrarily hostile combination.
The truth knowing needs rather time zone from midnight to daybreak.

There must be what only midnight walking makes us know.

But it's identity is intrinsically not known to anybody.

(Irregularly continued)

July. 13th.   2023