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Compatible and Incompatible b.

Compatible condition is made through our mind's useful schemed future abiding universally regarded idea. But the same stipulated law is substantially according to each locality very gapped at realized effectiveness. Because around one demanded reformable intention, that will is not only appropriate but also, or far from it,very inappropriate or so could fall under.  

And consequently, one term, vocabulary, or idiom or so are according to its locality's gap as distributed each local govermening body, effectiveness's degree has very serious gap. Though, those mutually united convenience could never be done nor given, the case is obviously incompatible case. And the same gap must fall under gender difference and mutual idea gap.

Though, substantially, around one suggestion, to applied extent, mutually obviously attended own discrepancy will be made, that gap must make one given suggestion incompatible.


Upper one given formulated truth makes the applicable extent more extended, e.f. as even if the same English can be current, at the occasion of usage of same emotional confessional expression, according to each locality, classified job content, social status, necessarily mutually very one idiom term usage must have gap and through the reaction after mentioned the same idiom usage,  after all consequently mutual that idiom's universality's discrepancy must come up with.

Though next formulated interpreting can be given.

AMONG CLASS, JOB PROFESSIONALISM, LOCAL HABIT, CUSTOM abiding OWN DISCREPANCY makes each DIFFERENT REACTION around one stipulation or one usage of explainable usage of IDIOM, EXPRESSION, USAGE of VOCABULARY makes them own DISCREPANCY. Consequently mutual one stipulated law or so must have "INCOMPATIBLE EFFECTIVENESS".   

(Irregularly Continued)

July. 14th.  2023

 Appendi; Next occasion, stipulated regulatory law or promised clause, usage of idiom or term, vocabulary have each own circumstance and reason to make difference around the usage. Those mutual gap or discrepancy attending nature difference will be analyed.

From them, we could make out or figure out the truly significant compatible and incompatible nature in comprehending own discrepancy around each effectiveness and ineffectiveness.